Summer Mad Libs

I love using Mad Libs to practice grammar, sentence structure, parts of speech, and vocabulary with my kids. Here are some fun Summer Mad Libs from Click on images below to print.
summer mad libs 231x300 Summer Mad Libs
funny mad libs 231x300 Summer Mad Libs
princess mad libs 231x300 Summer Mad Libs
Here is website that offers FREE Mad Libs that your child can
complete on your computer-


Organize your blogs with Sqworl

I must admit that I am an organizational freak.  At least that's what my friends and family tell me. I like everything to be placed neatly in a particular place yet I am also very practical. 

Nancy from recently taught me about a tool that is both neat and practical- Sqworl.

No, I did not just make a major typo. It really is spelled Sqworl. See for yourself at

Teachers and parents can now easily organize their favorite sites and blogs for themselves or for their children in a visually pleasing manner. No more scrolling through your favorites. Just make a Sqworl with your favorite sites, and the screen will look like the image below.
After you create your Sqworl, just click on which site you want to go to and it automatically jumps to that site. This is also perfect for non-readers. has organized the best teaching blogs by grade levels and categories. These blogs have are filled with fun, creative, and effective teaching tips for preschool teachers, elementary teachers, home educators, parents, and tutors.

Until next time, have fun creating your Sqworl!

Motivation Cards

We are almost there! My kids and I are counting the days until summer break. I think I need the break more than they do! It has been the hardest school year for me with homeschooling a 17 year old in difficult high school subjects, homeschooling two elementary children, chasing a very active one year old everywhere, and caring for a newborn that was born in August (the week before we began school). Somehow we did it and I can say the kids are all on schedule. We have certainly proved that with God's help, anything is possible!

As I cheer them on to the finish line at the end of May, I will be using these adorable compliment cards that I found at Kind Over Matter. I printed them off on cardstock and will randomly leave them in places that they can discover them (ex. taped to a bathroom mirror, under their pillows, inside their shoes, etc.)
Another little perk and change of pace helps us all out. ;o)

UPDATE: I printed these off with my two elementary boys in mind but also used them with my seventeen-year-old, too. To my complete surprise, my teenager loved them and even left them taped up in his bathroom and bedroom this weekend when his friends spent the night. He said they were "cool." Wow- that caught me off guard. I actually did something cool! :o)


Faith, Hope, and Love for Moms with Babies

Faith: I have faith that one day I will wear my pre-baby clothes again. And before they are all out of style!

Hope: I hope I get out of my pajamas today before my husband gets home from work. Maybe he'll just think I am so together that I'm already dressed for the night- naaah... he knows me too well.

Love: I would love to eat a warm dinner sometime in 2011. And reheating food in the microwave at 10:00 pm after all the children are asleep does not count.

My little Charity is worth it all.
