I also had to dust off the classic board game Clue. We had a blast together trying to solve the crimes.
After reading several mysteries and playing Clue, I used Kids Write!, which in my opinion is the most inventive writing resource written by an elementary teacher that totally engages the writers in such a FUN and creative way! It provides tons of ideas on how to teach writing mysteries, such as spy stories, spooky stories, and the classic who dunnit stories.
Since I am a HUGE mystery fan (I am completely hooked on those television shows that solve crimes), I was all in when Kids Write! recommended using photos to tell a story about solving a crime.
We set up my bedroom as a crime scene (no worries- no fake blood using ketchup involved). What boy doesn't want a shoot-out while playing cops and robbers? So I had to set some parameters, such as no injuries or weapons in their crime. Boring mom, I know. :)
The boys chose for the crime to be that our beloved pet was abducted and being held for ransom.
The kids went crazy setting up clues, such as clothing fibers, a ransom note, and fingerprints. They made it very realistic and used a CSI Field Kit
that they received as a present a few years ago.
My children took photos of the crime scene and all the evidence. These photographs make me laugh. My sons really paid attention to small details.
Here is a ransom note.
Next, they used the photos to create their stories. This activity also set the stage for me to teach more investigator-type vocabulary, such as: suspect, witness, evidence, accomplice, and alibi. This was an AWESOME writing activity that I believe my boys will always remember.
Enjoy making learning come to life!